A Documentary Film by Judd Tully and Harold Crooks
“This film blends, seamlessly, the heart and meaning, the art and politics, the understanding of our humanity—the vision unique to David Hammons. We watch this towering genius as he reconstructs our refuse in an empathetic identification usually available only to children and their inescapable honesty. “
-Walter Mosley Novelist and Screenwriter
About the Film
The film chronicles the singular career of the elusive African-American art star David Hammons from Wattsrebellion era 60s L.A. to global art world prominence today. Hammons’category-defying practice–rootedin a deep critique of American society and the elite art world–is in the words of one art critic “an invitation to confront the fissures between races” as the artist seeks to go beyond the dominant cultureand his own to a new one for the 21st century. Featuring eminent artists, curators and critics, a rich trove of archival footage, animation, and anevocative soundscape